Authentic Thai Recipe Ingredient: Thai Sweet Basil

Thai Sweet Basil
โหระพา (Horapha; Ho ra pa)
Thai basil is a type of sweet basil native to Southeast Asia. Its flavor is more stable under high or extended cooking temperatures than that of sweet basil. Thai basil exhibits small, narrow leaves and purple stems, with a mauve (pink-purple) flower. One cultivar commonly grown in the United States is 'Queen of Siam'.
Thai basil, Horapha, grows to 45 cm in height, and has purple-flushed, lance-like leaves with a sweet licorice or anise scent. It's used in different Thai curries, and often also served separately. Choosing a basil with the right flavor is very important in making Panang or Gang Kiew Wan.
Thai basil, Horapha, grows to 45 cm in height, and has purple-flushed, lance-like leaves with a sweet licorice or anise scent. It's used in different Thai curries, and often also served separately. Choosing a basil with the right flavor is very important in making Panang or Gang Kiew Wan.